Saturday, September 24, 2011

Post root canal - Braces next

So this being my first blog here is a little background. My family never had dental insurance let alone the money to pay for it. Since my teeth are relatively straight my mother decided to let me decide on the correction of my teeth. I always knew that I had missing teeth so when the dentist told me that I was congenitally missing the two top lateral incisors that was not a surprise. However, I was not told that I still had a baby tooth with an impacted adult k9 until ohhhh 2 years ago. This new news kind of changed my perspective. I would like to say that I have always loved myself and my smile but that would be a lie. As a child I am sure you can imagine how hard it was and how crule children can be. I was teased alot. But through all the teasing I CAN say that it has made me a stronger person. I learn to love my teeth and "rock the gap" (read that in another blog on here.) I have been rocking the gap and I have been rocking it strong. I believe that everyone is made to certain specifications and they are beatuiful in their own ways. However, like I said this baby tooth news changed my mind. Did I want to chance it and wait for the thing to fall out (at who knows what age) and then have to deal with it then? When I am older? When my teeth are ever less reluctant to change?

So folks... here I am. I just finished a root canal and got the permanent crown on. I have already had a consultantion with an orthodontist and have come up with a tenative plan of action. I will be getting the ceramic braces on top and the metal on the bottom. (Figured I might as well attack the bottom if I am fixing the gap on top.) The first move will be the get the braces on. I am going to call the ortho on Monday to set that up. After that, sometime down the road, still not sure when, I will be referred to an oral surgeon to remove the baby tooth, attach a chain to the impacted k9 and hopefully pull that bad boy down and introduce her to my mouth. Judging by the x-rays and by reading some blogs, the impacted tooth seems to be in a good position. It is slightly crooked but I am confident that it has always wanted to be a part of my smile so it will come down. ;) It appears that the time for this varies so we will see. Next step... impalanting my lateral incisors once they front gap is closed.

Last thing... Day 1 photo.
Front :D
Left side view. The teeth on this side are lined up pretty well. This is my audlt K9.

This is the problem child side. The K9 here is a baby and the teeth are more on top of each other.

Cheers and thumbs up folks! I'll update Monday!


  1. Hey i just found your blog and I can't wait to see your progress!! The whole process will go by so fast, it seems like you have a really positive attitude towards it, which is awesome. My bf actually had to have a tooth pulled down and now his smile looks so perfect you would never have known it.
    You're gorgeous btw!
    Good luck!! :)

  2. Thanks for the good luck wishes! And the compliment! :D I am pretty excited about it all! A little scared too, but I am sure that is natural ;). I was googling all the procedures that my ortho outlined and I stumbled upon this site. There are a lot of people on here and everyone seems awesome at updating their progress so it's nice to see, and encouraging too! The ortho said max 2 years and at first it sounds HORRIBLY long but after thinking about it, and reading a lot of the blogs on here it seems to go by quickly! I was reading and I think it was like 6 months or something to close the gap. I don't think it is completely closed but there was significant progress. Thats not long at all! Even if it takes a year to close it I will be okay with that! So, like I said, I'm excited! It seems like you have made great progress in a short amount of time as well! I also think being on here with help me through the process with all the support, just reading about other situations is supportive! I'll be keeping this updated so stay tunned. Can't wait to see how you progress either!

  3. This site is amazing for motivation! It really pushed me to feel excited about my progress and it helps so much at the times when you feel like its not ending. Its amazing how fast 6 months can go by. I've been in my braces for over 6 months already and I swear it feels like I just got them put on. :)

  4. Next week I get them on! Super excited!

  5. This is very informative post about the post root canal braces. I also have to get this treatment but I was feeling really confused but your post has given me some good details and now I will definitely visit a renowned dentist Redondo Beach for that.
